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The Field Museum

Sue the T. Rex Archive Test

The Field Museum, one of the world’s preeminent natural history museums, asked Bluecadet to bring to life the skeleton of their famous T. rex, “Sue,” as an eye-catching touchscreen centerpiece for the newly remodeled Searle Lounge.

Sue the T.Rex

Created using actual 3D scans of Sue’s bones, the puzzle highlights the stories that her skeleton tells. Selected bone pieces activate additional information about what scientists can learn from the bones, including how Sue lived and why she might have died. Visitors can also examine these bones at life-size to get a sense of how enormous her skeleton is.

Recognition & Awards

Visitors love the interactive! We've witnessed great reactions, and people seem to be walking out of the space more excited than when they came in... I haven't seen the puzzle without people in front of it since we installed it. It's a hit.

John Parr, Media and Interactives Supervisor, The Field Museum

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